Friday, May 25, 2007

Oh, Happy Days!

So, let's start with some good news and pics of those dear to my heart!

On May 11, 2007, my beautiful, sweet little girl , Danielle Marie, married the man of her dreams, Roger Dale Reynolds, Jr. They are an adorable couple and we are all very happy for them! We are postponing the wedding reception until August, so family members who are in the Armed Forces may attend.

What a whirlwind of events during their wedding week! My other beautiful, sweet little girl, Hannah Catherine, came home from Arizona, and brought her beautiful, sweet little boy, Oliver Andrew! (He is the love of MY life - sorry, hubby!)

And, in the middle of all of this commotion, my handsome, sweet son's beautiful, sweet girlfriend, Sarah, threw him a surprise 30th birthday party. You may witness from the photos (they all look much too happy!), that I was not in attendance at this party - I had the honor of keeping company with my first grandchild, Oliver.

Oh, Happy Days - I promise not to bore you often with all of this sweetness! We will get back to business next week!

I now have a live blog on my website, so I will just copy and paste news from one to the other. My website blog is not as pretty as this one!

Photos: Danielle and Roger on their wedding day
Danielle, Hannah, and Jacob at his surprise 30th birthday party.

Jacob and Sarah at his surprise 30th birthday party.

Oliver Andrew - the love of my life!

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